Telephone Number 07093303084

Number: 07093303084

Number information: This number is not a valid UK telephone number.

The last comment we had for this number was 6 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.


Called taxi firm who then asked me to call taxi driver - was charged £4 for 1 1/2 minutes!!! My phone company took no responsibility as they say it falls outside of my call plan and that the person/company who own the number set the charges. The charge for my call is way over the usually/recommended charge for 070 numbers - totally ripped off and unlikely to bother with 070 numbers again, but more concerned that I cannot give feedback to the taxi driver. No information available on what it costs to text these 070 numbers either!! Total scam.

Company: Taxi firm in Grimsby NE Lincs

By totally shocked! Jan 24, 2018

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