Telephone Number 08000614327

Number: 08000614327

Number information: This number is not a valid UK telephone number.

The last comment we had for this number was 5 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.


Got a call from this number, an American sounding lady claiming to have "called back" from "Safe Secure Protect". She went through a list of kitchen appliances asking for the makes which she oddly replied "that's right" after I gave them to her. She then said something about bank details and being half asleep I told her I didn't have them to hand. She hung up at this point. Very suspicious.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Safe Secure Protect

By Roger Jul 17, 2018

I received a call on this number and as my insurance had just come to an end and they said they would continue with it and I started to confirm my bank details but stopped short of giving them all as I 'smelt a rat' and terminated the call only to be called by the first persons superior who wanted to complete the cover details. i asked they put the policy in the post but she insisted on having all the details before she could proceed so I put the phone down. I then immediately contacted my bank on another telephone who cancelled my bank card just to be sure. I thought that I was aware of these scams but it seems so easy to be caught by the scammers talk.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Safe, Secure, Protect

By Mike on July 9th 2018 Jul 9, 2018

Was called at 16.30 on Jun 28, 2018 by person American accent who launched into a long diatribe about my kitchen appliances and that they were going to reduce the cost of cover I pay. As I don't pay cover I became very suspicious. I asked who the company was and was told 'Safe, Secure' Protect'. Couldn't find them on the Internet but they knew my name and address and ex-directory phone number. We are with TPS so always on lookout for scammers. This person became very insistent and I said I was not prepared to discuss this on the phone and I would get back to them if it was relevant and I'd checked them out first. Good job I did. Seems they are well dodgy by other people's comments. Avoid! 1471 number came up 01202024512.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Safe Secure Protect

By Mango Jun 28, 2018

Similar to previous comments. "Daniel" called me (american/european accent) offered to give me a premium reduction on my white goods, said I was paying too much. Asked me to list white goods with minimal details - make only and how long we had had item. Then started asking for bank details. told him i would call him back. I can find no company on the net with this name and I don't have any white goods insurance like he suggested.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Safe Secure protect

By DrDog Jun 22, 2018

A person who said his name was Brian called me to say that the white goods cover I had with Safe Secure was not the cheapest. He went on to list my goods and asked what make they were. I do have white goods cover but did not recognise the company name so was a little apprehensive almost from the start. He went on to give me the HQ office number and his extension as I may need to contact him sometime. He then went on asking if I had changed the bank that I paid with and could I confirm which bank it was. I told him that I had not changed the bank and that he had the details so if he told me which bank they had I would confirm if it was correct. He said he could not give that information and that I must tell him. We went on for a few minutes with him demanding my bank and me just telling him that it had not changed.. At this point he slammed the phone down on me. I suppose he was a little angry that he had wasted time on e and got nothing. Scam well avoided on my part.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Safe Secure

By Tessypesty Jun 1, 2018

phone call from this number caller name was Carrie I asked her what the company was called she said " Safe Secure Protect " and it was about up dating my insurance for white goods they were reducing the cost from £25 per month to £15 I told her we did not have any cover with them she went on and on about the cover we have she did not ask for bank details but did ask who I banked with so I put the phone down

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

By paul May 30, 2018

Offering insurance on white goods

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: would not give location and when pressed hung up

By Adam May 17, 2018

They called my mother's house. I did 1471 and called back. The first time I called they said it was about the phone privacy service contract my mother has with them. She has no such contract. I then called back from my mobile and asked to speak to the woman who had said her name was Rachel. She was unavailable so I asked what it was about. I was told it was about cheaper cover for kitchen appliances. I asked how that was possible because each appliance comes with its own cover. The woman backed down quite quickly. I asked for the company name and if they also dealt with phone privacy. She said no. Total scammers.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Secure Services

By Dr S May 17, 2018

For insurance cover for White goods

Company: Safe Secure (S/S)

By Mrs P Sims Apr 4, 2018

Claimed to offer lower appliance cover rates. Wanted credit card numbers!

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Shield

By Challenger Jan 8, 2018

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 08000614327