Telephone Number 08000725230

Number: 08000725230

Number information: This number is not a valid UK telephone number.

The last comment we had for this number was 7 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.


My missed call was on my mobile, so I contacted British Gas direct and asked if this number was theirs, as I couldn't find it listed on any of their correspondence. It was, but they didn't know what the call had been about, unless it concerned the smart meter exchange (which we all know they want to get everyone onto!).

Call type: Trustworthy

By Crompton32 Mar 23, 2017

I WAS CALLED ON 26 May 2015,at 2:05pm..Beginning of message seemed to be cut off. I called no. back around 5:45pm. dept. of BRITISH GAS

Company: Beginning of recorded message missing.


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