Telephone Number 0117 955 7985

Number: 0117 955 7985

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 0117, which is the area code for Bristol.

The last comment we had for this number was 6 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 65 numbers in the database sharing this code.


Fake microsoft scam

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Microsoft

By Viv Jul 3, 2018

Told me this was Microsoft tenician and that my PC was going to be blocked a s it was sending out porn and the police was on the way to take my PC away .... finally he said he had switched of the micro soft software and it would take a specialist technician to get it going then after a spanking match he put the phone down which took 5 mins to allow me to call out

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Micro soft

By Jock Jul 3, 2018

Tried to say that my computer had been really annoyed when I said I had plenty of protection to stop that happening

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: said they were from microsoft

By cuddly6354 Jul 3, 2018

fake microsoft technician calling about my computer which i dont have tried to get me to pay for a tech support package said my computer was showing up on their server as being hacked and virus's added

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: microsoft tech support

By ian woodfiled Jul 3, 2018

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 0117 955 7985