Number: 01246 733441
Number type: Geographic numbers
Number information: This number has the code 01246, which is the area code for Chesterfield.
The last comment we had for this number was 9 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.
We have 18 numbers in the database sharing this code.
2/3 Calls in last week or so , same as other notes , no one there , did once mention TPS but call still coming although not so often now.
Call type: Telemarketer
Company: No
By Buffo Jan 26, 2016
Getting called from this number 2 or 3 times a day. No one replies when the phone is picked up (which we dont do anymore). Surely BT or whoever owns this line can disconnect it
Company: No one answers if the phone is picked up
By George Aug 5, 2015
Has been calling 2-3 times a day for several days now. Answer m/c kicks in but no message ever left.
By Terry Jun 24, 2015
always ringing no one there now i have logged a DO NOT ANSWER into my voice id caller this saves me getting the phone out of my pocket to answer it
Company: no speak
By aly Jun 23, 2015
Calls several times a day but never speaks
Company: ???????
By dave Feb 2, 2015
this number calls me nearly every day sometimes 2,3 4, times, my answer machine kicks in and then they hang up its very frustrating and annoying
Company: they always hang up on my answering machine
By nigel Jan 23, 2015
This number phones me 2-3 times almost every day. No one ever speaks and the phone goes dead after a while. Very, very annoying and I cannot stop it.
Company: They never speak.
By John Dec 9, 2014