Telephone Number 01256 693589

Number: 01256 693589

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 01256, which is the area code for Basingstoke.

The last comment we had for this number was 7 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 20 numbers in the database sharing this code.


We were called at 13h08 today by the above number and the woman my wife spoke to said she was ringing from BT to offer us 3months free line rental for being prompt bill payers and to confirm our name, address and bank name for sending us a letter. Your info on this number suggests it could be Vodafone. I rang the number back at 14h15 and the automated reply said the number was not recognised. Very curious, if not worrying!!!

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: BT

By Ron Naylor May 25, 2017

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 01256 693589