Telephone Number 01263 402788

Number: 01263 402788

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 01263, which is the area code for Cromer.

The last comment we had for this number was 6 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 14 numbers in the database sharing this code.


Hello there, I have received several calls over the last couple of days, each purporting to be from 'TalkTalk' or TalkTalk International'. None of these callers identified me by name or asked for verification of my media account (my broadband etc is supplied by TalkTalk). Each time I ring 1471 to identify the originator I find a different, UK landline number has been used. When I attempt to call back to these numbers, I hear an automated message stating the number is incorrect. I checked each number and can confirm that I have transcribed them accurately and dialled them accurately to verify. Other numbers used have included: 0845 4961080; 02680572582; 01368302463; 01263 402713. I believe the callers are attempting to perpetrate some kind of fraud, because when I let the caller speak each has stated that 'someone is trying to use your ( internet illegally' or words to that effect. If this indeed is part of an attempt to perpetrate fraud or any other criminal offence, I consent to being contacted by the appropriate, UK authority to make a formal complaint. My landline number is 0161 258 0065 and my name is Rev Hermione St John Spiggott.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Talk Talk Technical Department / Talk Talk Interna

By Hermione St John Spiggott Nov 9, 2017

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 01263 402788