Telephone Number 01283 807442

Number: 01283 807442

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 01283, which is the area code for Burton-on-Trent.

The last comment we had for this number was 5 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 5 numbers in the database sharing this code.


Received recorded message that was apparent scam that £600 taken from card account and transferred to overseas account 15 minutes previously. Have subsequently checked number and found the following details: - 01283 807442 Burton-on-Trent The 01283 dialling code covers Burton-on-Trent and the surrounding area. Number 01283 807442 is potentially valid. Ofcom records show that numbers starting 0128380 are allocated to Magrathea Telecommunications Limited. Note that due to number portability if an individual number has moved to a different operator this information is not publicly available. Ofcom's last recorded change for this number range was September 2004.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

By PBH Dec 13, 2019

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