Telephone Number 0131 228 2264

Number: 0131 228 2264

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 0131, which is the area code for Edinburgh.

The last comment we had for this number was 7 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 59 numbers in the database sharing this code.


I have had so many of these calls that I told him "you are a wee coloured fellow in Delhi not a Microsoft engineer" The line went dead.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Microsoft

By Logibear Aug 9, 2016

My experience uncannily like the ones already reported, covering illegal hacking and errors for example, but no readiness to confirm his bona fide. Claimed to have been from Microsoft.

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Microsoft

By Studley Aug 8, 2016

I had a call from a Pakistani 'gentleman' who told me that he was from Microsoft in Reading and that he had found faults on my computer and by him accessing my computer then he could show me what 'errors' there were. I realised immediately that this was a scam so refused to allow him to access my computer. he then accused me of accessing pornographic material on my PC and that a report would be sent to the Police and that I would be spending a considerable amount of time in prison!! I then told him to 'make love elsewhere, hung up and am reporting HIM to the police as we speak. Although the police can't do anything about this I felt that they should be reported. If I was not so 'scammer savvy' then maybe I'd have been scammed (like a lot of people already have)

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Microsoft

By Rozzy Aug 5, 2016

Caller with Indian/Asian/Pakistani accent said he was calling from Microsoft in Reading. (Just like the post above. What a coincidence!) I involved him in conversation for some ten minutes so he wouldn't be annoying/scamming anybody else during that time. He claimed that hackers had gained control of my machine and were carrying out illegal betting without my knowledge. I told him I didn't believe that he was from Microsoft and suggested that he should forward all the information he possessed to me by mail, since it was evidence of criminal activity, and I would take it to the police. He said he could prove his ID was genuine and he could show me the 'faults' on my machine by him guiding me without him directly controlling anything. (it is worth noting that if you agree to this he will show you any amount of stuff that you will have no idea about but which is perfectly OK. He will claim these details are faults but they are not!) I refused and reiterated that he should send me his evidence. He claimed this would be costing me 'a lot of money' because the illegal activity would be continuing. Eventually when he guessed that I wasn't going to play ball he told me he would block my computer. Obviously this is a typical Microsoft customer care tactic. Not! I then hung up. Sorry for the length and detail in this post but I hope to show that if you stand up to them and refuse to comply with their demands that the sky does NOT fall in and life carries on as normal!!

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Microsoft

By Dinger Aug 3, 2016

Caller said he was calling from Microsoft in Reading about my computer. Guessing this was a familiar scam, I told him I no longer had a computer and hung up. I hope this number can be traced or at least reported as a scam.

Call type: Debt collection company

Company: Microsoft

By Chessie Aug 2, 2016

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 0131 228 2264