Telephone Number 01522 730606

Number: 01522 730606

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 01522, which is the area code for Lincoln.

The last comment we had for this number was 8 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 12 numbers in the database sharing this code.


Keep trying to contact this no. and i am told that it is unavailable. Ifit is unavailable why did my friends put it on their change of address letter

Call type: Trustworthy

Company: Friend

By Dottie May 14, 2015

is this the correct no. for Mr & Mrs M. Horner

Call type: Trustworthy

By Dottie May 14, 2015

Have tried to telephone this no. several times , but was i was told the no. was not available. I had a change of address letter and new telephone no. from friends and have been trying to call them

Call type: Trustworthy

Company: assumed itwas BT and was told the no. was not ava

By Dottie May 14, 2015

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 01522 730606