Telephone Number 01564 634364

Number: 01564 634364

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 01564, which is the area code for Lapworth.

The last comment we had for this number was 10 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 1 number in the database sharing this code.


Asked for my wife by name, when she asked what was it about they mumbled something about Pensions/Insurance so she put the phone down, so much for useless TPS.!!

Call type: Harassment call

Company: Didn't say

By Peter Midlands Feb 12, 2015

see panel above

Call type: Harassment call

Company: Workers union.

By george shipman Jan 13, 2015

phone twice today offering to claim money on my behalf from insurance company due to me for working as an engineer.said he was from the workers union,when asked for their 'phone no was heard to say to a third party i have an old man complaining, then told me the number was 01618149483 in rochdale. After they rang off i dialed 1471 and was told the above number. My number has been registered not recieve these calls but the do not seem to care.

Call type: Harassment call

Company: Workers union.

By george shipman Jan 13, 2015

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 01564 634364

Numbers with this code