Telephone Number 01340 074166

Number: 01340 074166

Number type: Geographic numbers

Number information: This number has the code 01340, which is the area code for Craigellachie.

The last comment we had for this number was 7 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.

We have 22 numbers in the database sharing this code.


Unsolicited call. Alleged to be an UK (London) based IT company ringing to fix faults with my computer. Got very threatening when i said that i would not follow any of their instructions (threats included informing Microsoft to make sure my computer never worked again !!). Asian male - almost certainly from a call centre in Asia routing calls via a UK number to make them appear legitimate. Actual number is allocated to Craigellachie (and area) which is in Scotland. When i rang number message said (number has not been recognised !!

Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam

Company: Did not say - but claimed to be used by Microsoft

By Mark Nov 14, 2016

Tell us about your experience with telephone number 01340 074166