Number: 01398 524762
Number type: Geographic numbers
Number information: This number has the code 01398, which is the area code for Dulverton.
The last comment we had for this number was 7 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.
We have 4 numbers in the database sharing this code.
Tried to scam me - "Windows key + R"
Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam
Company: BT
By anon Nov 22, 2017
Same experience. Put phone down when challenged.
Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam
Company: Bt
By Sheila Nov 2, 2017
Nuisance - couldn't understand them and they didn't seem to understand me, just kept repeating their message
Call type: Likely Phishing or Scam
Company: BT
By RM Oct 25, 2017