Number: 01932 911095
Number type: Geographic numbers
Number information: This number has the code 01932, which is the area code for Weybridge.
The last comment we had for this number was 9 years ago. See comments from other people about this number.
We have 20 numbers in the database sharing this code.
Repeated phone calls with no answer. Very annoying
Company: No one answered when I picked up the phone
By Glenn Oct 13, 2015
nuisance caller answered no one on other end
Company: no one online to answer
By bobex Sep 24, 2015
Nuisance calls several times in last 4 days Silent - perhaps automated dialing
Company: No caller audible or any information
By Mark Jeffs Sep 9, 2015
Caller did not respond to answer.
Company: n/a
By M J Miles Sep 1, 2015
Rings several times a day,but no answer on other end
By Robin Willis Aug 27, 2015